Instructions for creating Studio Tour Artist Pages:

Edit Process for updating 2021 pages:

  1. Open Dropbox folder “Studio Tour xxxx”. Leave open for access to artist image folders.

  2. In Squarespace: open artist page in “XXXX STUDIO TOUR” folder.

  3. Edit as follows:

    1. drag photos to artists Dropbox folder from the webpage

    2. remove images on webpage, add a gallery block to page

    3. add photos from Dropbox folder (new and old as appropriate) to gallery block

    4. turn on “Lightbox” on the gallery block “Design” tab

    5. click on “Apply” for gallery block to save

    6. add “Click images for larger views” in bold to text block just above added gallery

    7. check for correct location address in the text block and google map

    8. check artists social media and web links

    9. change any date text to 2022

    10. update bio’s or requests for 2022 text requested by artist

    11. save edits

Adding new artist pages:

  1. Select the gear icon for any artist page in the “2022 STUDIO TOUR” folder on Squarespace, scroll down and select duplicate page. That will put a new page at the top of the “Not Linked” section of the “Pages” panel.

  2. Select the gear icon on the new page and change the “Page Title,” “Navigation Title.” And the “URL Slug” to the name of the artist. In the URL Slug be sure to end the name with “-tp” to avoid confusion with the regular artist page.

  3. Edit the duplicated page replacing content to conform to the above edit process.

  4. Link the name on the Studio Tour landing page in the “TOP NAVITAGION” section of Squarespace to the new page.


Bio 2 to 3 paragraphs

Click images for larger views

GALLERY FORMAT BELOW 4 TO 8 IMAGES. Image sizing is best between 4 and 6 megabytes (MB) or 300 dpi by 1800 dpi.

Visit NAME website for more images of her artwork and interesting information about Susie.



FIRST LAST’S Studio location: STREET ADDRESS Drive, TOWN, Oregon ZIP