Stephen Gasior

Stephen’s formal training is in architecture (B.S.A.S. from University of Nebraska, Lincoln), though he departed that field soon after college to pursue a vocation in Information Technology. Despite all those years programming, he never let his sketchbook grow cold, nor did he turn down design and graphic opportunities when they came along. In addition, he has done a few residential design projects, including his home in Redmond, Oregon. His passions today are the fine arts, focusing mostly on portraiture using dry mediums.

He says, “I cannot remember a time when our daughter, Grace, did not have a paintbrush or pencil in her hands. Growing up, we could not exit any art media store without a shopping cart full of supplies. Today, she, too, resides in Central Oregon where she designs and fabricates jewelry part-time.”

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You can learn more about Stephen and his art on his webpage, Facebook, or on Instagram.