Robyn Gold

I have been creative my entire life, and I am inspired by colors, light, texture, and nature. I started quilting 2004 and quickly discovered art quilts. I use traditional methods (often needle-turn appliqué) to create my quilts, then I embellish with thread, buttons, beads, and other items. My quilts are often whimsical but sometimes reflect my environment. I also try to have unexpected, or odd, details in my quilts that viewers might only notice when they look more closely.

Each quilt is a voyage of discovery for me: To bring my design to life, I like finding what I need in my fabric choices, so I often use commercial prints to create the effects I want. In my quilts, a floral fabric might become a building, river, or a tree trunk. A fabric that looks like wood might become a flower. I delight in using unusual fabrics, embellishments, and building shapes to create whimsical interpretations of buildings — the odd or unexpected touch that might make a viewer smile. In high school, I was told that girls were not allowed to take drafting. Had I been able to take that course, I probably would have become an architect like my uncle. Instead, I shifted to graphic design. My love of buildings and structures has emerged in my quilts, but my buildings are rarely architecturally correct. I am particularly fascinated by old or crumbling buildings, whether barns, houses, castles, or factories.

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My quilts have won awards at the local, regional, and national level. I live in Sisters, Oregon, where I am inspired by colors, light, and nature every day.

See my work on Instagram: @robyngoldartquilts.