Judith Beaver

As a graduate from UC Berkeley with a degree in design, I have always valued the creative life. I have also been very fortunate to have had career opportunities that nurtured and valued expression and life long learning. After living in Hawaii for 37 years, my husband and I retired to Sisters in 2010. I was very excited to discover a thriving arts
community here in Sisters, and was immediately attracted to the exploration of fiber arts as an area of artistic expression.

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I enjoy the warm sensuous nature of quilting, especially the touch and feel of the cloth. I tend to work intuitively, allowing the piece to transform as it progresses. I love all the possibilities; the construction techniques, color and texture choices, and combination of hand and machine work. My joy comes from the “doing” of art.

Judith will be joining the Studio Tour this year. As news about the tour becomes available, you can get all the details on this website.