Gin Laughery

Gin Laughery is a printmaker based in the high plateau desert region of Central Oregon. She depicts landscape imagery through abstraction and subtle use of color and texture. Early life in Eastern Washington and current life in Oregon’s High Desert, both with their spare, elegant landscapes and panoramic views directly inform her work. Observation and memory contribute to her finished compositions. Laughery invites the viewer to consider geological nuance, in all its subtle yet expansive beauty as well as atmosphere, always playing its role in the characterization of the unique and power-ful region of Central Oregon.

She studied printmaking with the late Royal Nebeker, an International artist, educator and former Oregon Arts Commissioner, who encouraged her to take her work seriously and push boundaries. She also studied with Pat Clark, a renown artist and Master Printmaker, who founded Atelier 6000 in Bend, Oregon.

Her work may be found in both public and private collections throughout the Western States. She is represented by Hood Avenue Art Gallery located in Sisters, Oregon.

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Please visit my website for more images of my artwork and interesting information about me and my passions.